Death of Participant or Dependent

Death of Participant or Dependent

Your Plan provides a benefit to your beneficiary after your death. 


If you die for any reason, including a work-related illness or injury, while covered under the Health & Welfare Fund or within 31 days after your eligibility ends, the Plan pays a death benefit to your beneficiary or eligible survivors.

1. Your beneficiary or survivors must notify the Fund Office of your death by email, phone, fax, or mail as soon as possible. Plan representatives will ask that they send a copy of the death certificate as soon as it is available. Once received, the Fund Office will mail forms to apply for your death benefit. 

These forms must be properly completed and received by the Fund Office within 12 months after your date of death or the claim will be denied. However, the Fund Office should be notified within 60 days after your death—or your survivors may lose the right to apply for COBRA continuation coverage, Pensioners & Surviving Spouses Health Fund coverage and other benefits, if available (explained below).

2. Your beneficiary or survivors must also apply for benefits or outstanding amounts payable under the Health & Welfare Fund, Christmas Bonus Fund, Retirement Fund, and Defined Contribution Fund. Contact the Fund Office for more information.

REMINDER: Keep your family and beneficiary informed of your Plan’s death and other benefits. They need to know how to contact the Fund Office and where you keep your Benefit Statements and other Plan information. Once informed of your death, Plan representatives review your records and advise your family or beneficiary of death and survivor benefits that may be payable.

3. Your covered dependents may have the right to enroll in COBRA continuation coverage. Contact the Fund Office for more information.

4. Your surviving spouse or domestic partner may instead decide to request an application for coverage under the Pensioners & Surviving Spouses Health Fund if eligible. The Fund Office can provide more information about survivor coverage options, benefits and premium amounts.

Death of Dependent

Your Plan provides you with a benefit after the death of a covered dependent.


If your covered dependent dies for any reason while you are eligible under the Health & Welfare Fund, you are entitled to the dependent death benefit. See Section 14 on Death Benefits in the Health & Welfare SPD for more information.

1. You must notify the Fund Office by email, fax, or mail as soon as possible after your dependent’s death. Plan representatives will ask that you send a copy of the death certificate as soon as it is available. Once received, the Fund Office will mail forms to apply for your dependent’s death benefit.

2. These forms must be properly completed and received by the Fund Office within 12 months after your dependent’s death or the claim will be denied. See page 8 of the Health & Welfare SPD for more information.

3. If you previously named your dependent as your Plan beneficiary, that designation is automatically revoked effective on the date of his or her death. Remember to complete and send a new Beneficiary Form to the Fund Office as soon as possible.

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