1. If you want to enroll your child, you must complete and return a new Enrollment Form and enclose a certified copy of the original birth certificate. If an adoption, enclose a copy of the document placing the child for adoption or finalizing the placement. The Enrollment Form must be fully completed including Social Security numbers for dependents.
Important Note: You must notify the Fund Office immediately if there is a delay in obtaining a copy of the birth certificate or adoption documents. Paternity tests or adoption orders are acceptable, if applicable.
REMINDER: Certified copies of the required documents must be issued by the appropriate governmental agency. Non-certified copies of documents from non-governmental agencies, such as hospital birth certificates or unofficial adoption letters are not acceptable.
2. You must complete a new Beneficiary Form if you want to change your beneficiary designations under the Health & Welfare Fund, Christmas Bonus Fund, Retirement Fund, and Defined Contribution Fund.