Dental Coverage

Dental Coverage

Your Health & Welfare Plan partners with Dental Health Services to deliver high quality, affordable dental services through a network of independent dental offices.

Initial Enrollment

To enroll for initial coverage, select a participating dentist from the Dental Health Services directory at Enter your choice on your Dental Health Services Enrollment Form. Send the completed form to the Fund Office by mail or email within 60 days of your eligibility date.

New participants must enroll for dental coverage within 60 days of the date when first eligible. If not, your dental coverage may be delayed . If you enroll after the first 60 days, your dental coverage becomes effective the month following the date when the form is received, not retroactive to your initial eligibility date. Contact the Anthem Blue Cross to verify coverage before scheduling dental care.

Later Enrollment

If you did not enroll for dental coverage when first eligible, you can enroll at any time by downloading the Dental Health Services Enrollment Form and returning the completed form to the Fund Office. Be sure to select a participating dentist at and enter your choice on the form. Coverage begins the month following the date your properly completed form is received by the Fund Office.

Dental Health Services

Your plan covers routine and pre-existing dental conditions including regular preventive care, tooth decay, periodontal conditions, root canals and missing teeth. However, treatment already in progress upon enrollment is not a covered benefit.

Most dental procedures require a copayment outlined in your Dental Health Services Schedule of covered Services & Copayments CA 444s Select Plan. There are no deductibles, claim forms or waiting periods.

All dental care must be provided by the participating dentist you select from the Dental Health Services directory, except in the case of an out-of-area emergency. If you have a serious emergency, call 911. You can also call your participating dentist’s office at their regular or after-hours phone number.

If you need to see a specialist, you must see your selected dentist first. Orthodontic coverage is also available if referred by your selected dentist. You may change your dentist selection by calling member services at (800) 637-6453. 

It’s a good idea to register and create a member login through the plan’s secure portal at Or download the Dental Health Services app. Once online, you can schedule or change appointments, view coverage details, access a digital ID card and estimate costs.

You can also call Dental Health Services for more information at (800) 637-6453 or email them at If you need more help, contact the Fund Office. Mention you are covered under the Landscape, Irrigation and Lawn Sprinkler Industry Health & Welfare Trust. 

Click here for Frequently Asked Questions about Dental Coverage.

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